person with clay mask on face

The 411 on pores

Ever wonder what your pores do or have ever thought these suckers are HUGE!? Read on to demystify these little skin holes.

What are Pores?

Pores are the opening of sebaceous glands, which produce a natural oil called sebum. They form when the skin's surface is broken and the top layer of cells die and shed off. This opening also leads to a follicle where hair grows from. The size of your pores will depend on how much oil your skin produces and how quickly it sheds cells from the surface of your skin into them. These little holes in your skin also help to regulate body temperature because they are connected to sweat glands, which release water vapor through them as part of the cooling process in humans. Pretty cool, huh?

I have large pores! What does it mean?

Nothing. It means nothing. I used to hear this all the time in the treatment room. "My pores are so big, noticeable, ugly, etc." First off, you need those suckers. Often times though, my client was looking at their skin in a 5-15x mirror. Well, I can tell you if you think you have large pores and are looking at your skin in a magnifying mirror, then yes, your perception is correct! However, unless the general public is also walking around with these magnifying mirrors, no one is thinking you have pores the size of Mt. Everest. It's like getting on a scale and your true weight is 100lbs and the scale says 1000lbs. After a while you'd start to think you were bigger than you actually were.

Two types of pores...

There are two types of pores you should be aware of: sweat and oil pores. Sweat pores are located all over your skin and are not visible to the naked eye. These pores do not typically get clogged, but if they do, they can result in a rash. Oil pores get the most attention because they cause the most havoc in people. They are also located all over, but are attached to an oil gland and secrete sebum to help moisturize and protect the skin.

How take care of your pores, a.k.a skin.

The size of the pores on your skin results from genetics and natural aging. The skin's appearance is not just about the size of your pores. It also has to do with the thickness of your skin, how oily/dry it is, how dry/moist it is and where you live, what your water is like and your overall health.

Pores can become clogged with oil, dirt, and bacteria and COULD lead to acne, but sometimes not. If you feel you have larger pores, it’s important to find a skin care routine that will help keep them clean. The best way is to cleanse your skin regularly with a gentle cleanser. One can also use products that contain ingredients such as clay masks or a vitamin a serum like our A GAME that help to reduce the appearance of pores. Reduce the appearance are the keywords here. They will not magically go away because again, they serve a purpose. You should also avoid wearing pore clogging makeup or products and try to work in an environment where you are not exposed to harsh weather elements or pollution.

Skin exfoliation is another step you can take to keep pores clean and healthy. The goal of exfoliating your skin is to remove dead skin cells and dirt that have accumulated on the surface of your skin. This will make your pores appear smaller by giving you a smoother surface to work with. A word of caution though, unless you have a thicker skin, over exfoliation can do more harm than good, so if unsure, try to only exfoliate 1-2x month MAX. Exfoliating your skin can help keep pores healthy and clean, remove dead skin cells and create a smoother surface for better absorption of skincare products.

Always remember to keep your skin hydrated and well moisturized by using skin appropriate products once you've applied all your potions. Think of it like putting a shirt or jacket on when braving the sun or a snowstorm.

If you're struggling with any part of a skincare routine, hit me up! I'd love to help!


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